Understanding What’s Normal for Your Body

Jean Hailes Know Your Body

When it comes to women’s health, no one knows your body better than you do.

Understanding what’s normal for your body is the first step towards staying healthy and catching any potential issues early. Let’s explore some key areas you should keep an eye on including bowel health, skin checks, and those all-important self-exams for your breasts and vulva. By knowing your body, you’ll be better equipped to recognise when something’s not quite right.

Why Knowing Your Body Matters

Think of your body as your closest companion. The more you understand it, the better you can care for it. Knowing what’s normal for you can help you spot when something feels off. It’s all about being proactive rather than reactive when it comes to your health. So, let’s dive into a few essential health checks every woman should know about.

1. Bowel Health: Listen to Your Gut

Your gut has a lot to say about your overall health. Bowel movements might not be the most glamorous topic, but they’re a key indicator of how your digestive system is doing. Changes in your bowel habits—like constipation, diarrhea, or even spotting blood—can signal underlying issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or more serious conditions like colorectal cancer.

Tips for Keeping Your Bowel Health in Check:

– Know Your Routine: Everyone’s bowel habits are different, so it’s important to know what’s normal for you. Keep track of your frequency, consistency, and any changes.

– Fibre and Fluids: A diet rich in fibre and plenty of water can keep things moving smoothly. Think of fruits, veggies, and whole grains as your gut’s best friends.

– Screenings: If you’re over 50 or have a family history of bowel issues, talk to your doctor about regular screenings like colonoscopies.

2. Skin Checks: Keeping an Eye on Your Largest Organ

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it can tell you a lot about your health. Skin cancer is incredibly common, but the good news is that it’s also highly treatable when caught early. Regular skin checks are your best defence.

How to Keep Your Skin Healthy:

– Self-Exams: Make it a habit to do a monthly skin check. Use the ABCDE rule—Asymmetry, Border, Colour, Diameter, and Evolving—to spot any moles or spots that look different.

– See a Pro: Visiting a dermatologist once a year is a great way to catch any potential issues early, especially if you’ve spent a lot of time in the sun.

– Sun Protection: Sunscreen isn’t just for beach days. Make it part of your daily routine, and don’t forget to reapply if you’re out in the sun for long periods.

3. Breast and Vulva Self-Exams: Get to Know Your Body

Self-exams might feel a bit awkward at first, but they’re a vital part of knowing your body. Regularly checking your breasts and vulva helps you become familiar with how they usually look and feel, making it easier to notice any changes.

Breast Self-Exams:

– Monthly Routine: Try to do a breast self-exam every month. You’re looking for any lumps, changes in size, or unusual discharge. Getting to know what’s normal for your breasts can make all the difference.

– Mammograms: Once you hit 40, or earlier if there’s a family history, regular mammograms are a must. These screenings are key to catching any potential issues early.

Vulva Self-Exams:

– Check Regularly: Use a mirror to check your vulva monthly. Look for any changes, like lumps or sores. It might feel strange at first, but it’s a crucial part of knowing your body.

– Don’t Hesitate: If something feels off or you notice any changes, trust your instincts and see your healthcare provider. It’s always better to be safe.

Take Charge of Your Health

Listening to your body is empowering. When you understand what’s normal for you, it becomes easier to spot potential issues early and take the necessary steps to address them. Simple actions like regular self-exams and health checks for your bowel, skin, breasts, and vulva are essential ways to stay in tune with your health.

Your health is worth the time and effort. By getting to know your body and taking these proactive measures, you’re setting yourself up for a healthier, happier life. 

Make these checks a regular part of your routine, and always trust what your body is telling you—no one knows it better than you. 

Jean Hailes for Women’s Health

We’re proud to support Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week from 2-6 September 2024. This year’s theme celebrates the power of women’s choice and voice, aiming to break the silence on shame and elevate the voices of women who feel unheard. 

By offering free, practical health information and advice, Jean Hailes equips women with the tools and confidence to discuss their health concerns openly. For more information, visit jeanhailes.org.au or womenshealthweek.com.au.

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Picture of Megan Zischke
Megan Zischke
Passionate Life Coach, Founder of The Wholistic Collective, and Host of The Wholistic Life Podcast. As the visionary behind The Wholistic Collective, Megan cultivates a thriving community through the Wholistic Health Directory, emphasising unity and shared growth.

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